Over 11 months of development, 13 hours of content, and 30 000 words later, Logseq Mastery is now out of beta!

Stop the information overwhelm.

Save hours of wasted time and frustration.

Master Logseq and build a personal knowledge management system that will serve you for a lifetime in a matter of days.

Managing the firehose of information is now a feature of life, whether you're a knowledge worker, student and/or lifelong learner.

For us to be effective in our personal and professional lives, we need a personal knowledge management system to help us keep our heads above water.

But for most, our meeting notes, personal reference materials, and task management systems are scattered across different apps. Other valuable notes and information—reading highlights, journaling and therapy notes, reminders and quick ideas—are similarly dispersed.

The result is a disorganised mess of notes, forgotten in random folders and stored in an array of applications.

Perhaps you're left with a nagging feeling that you're about to drop a ball somewhere. Or maybe you constantly battle finding the information you need to deliver your best work, getting more frustrated with your past-self's lack of organisation.

Thankfully, this can all change when you master Logseq.

Logseq lets you level up your note-taking and knowledge management, creating a valuable resource that you will actually use.

Logseq will transform your disintegrated piles of information into a valuable treasure chest of knowledge.

Eliminate switching costs between applications.

Resurface the information you need in an instant.

Create an information flywheel that leverage your previous thinking, creates virtuous feedback loops and boosts your output.

Breathe a sigh of relief.

Intuitive note-taking and personal knowledge management are now accessible to everyone.

Logseq will quickly become the tool you didn't know you needed.

It allows you to move beyond the limitations of other tools and build a personal knowledge management system that works for you, with a range of features allowing you to customise your workflows.

  • All of your information in one convenient application
  • Built-in task management capabilities
  • Built-in PDF annotation tool
  • Quick and easy searching and querying of your notes & information
  • The ability to create rich links in your information to facilitate recall and retrieval
  • Full privacy and ownership of your notes

  • Compatibility with text-editing applications such as VSCode, Typora and Obsidian.

But the value you gain from building your personal knowledge management system in Logseq is not immediately clear.

There is a steep learning curve to overcome before you begin to reap the rewards.

The interface feels intimidating to some, like it takes some coding experience to use the application.

It may feel like there’s a whole new way of working to learn, without coherent guidelines.

How do you work in a system that does not have files and folders? Where do you even begin?

Maybe you've been lost in the documentation or confused with all the different approaches you've seen in tutorials.

Save yourself countless wasted hours of frustration and tinkering, trying to figure it out for yourself.

Logseq Mastery will provide you with everything you need to master the application and build a strong personal knowledge management system.

Get lifetime access to this wealth of resources to smooth your path to success on your personal knowledge management journey.

Logseq Mastery is divided into two sections to support you at whatever stage of the journey you're on. Each section is packaged as a separate course, allowing you to buy them individually or as a bundle, depending on your needs.

Logseq Mastery



  • High-level principles of note-taking in a non-linear environment
  • Tutorials on setting up Logseq on your computer and understanding the way the application interacts with your files.
  • Become at home in the Logseq interface
  • Understanding the core building blocks of Logseq as a tool: Logseq as a text editor, an outliner and a bi-directional linking tool
  • Developing good note-taking practices in Logseq in order to effectively input, organise and retrieve information.
  • Exploring the extended feature set: Task management, PDF annotation, plugins and themes, spaced repetition and keyboard shortcuts
  • Auxiliary integrations and customisation
  • Principles for maintaining a well-developed database

Logseq Mastery

Workflows & Systems


  • Walkthroughs showing how to import and structure old notes in Logseq
  • A comprehensive framework for building a personal operating system in Logseq
  • Step-by-step guides to building your own system in Logseq
  • Detailed breakdowns of different workflow implementations in Logseq, with commentary on the rationale behind certain design decisions.
  • Diagrams detailing workflows and processes
  • Resources and templates to facilitate improved writing and self-awareness practices

Logseq Mastery Bundle


  • Full access to Logseq Mastery Tutorials
  • Full access to Logseq Mastery Workflows & Systems

~20% saving on the combined courses

Excerpts from student feedback and testimonials

"The course is so well organized, don't have words to describe how well you have explained each and every small things in detail with diagrams, notes and well explained in video as well... You made a huge difference in my life with the beautiful organisation in Logseq... finally found a course which changed my life. God bless you for helping all with your beautiful, in-depth course. Worth every penny spent on this course."

"Great balance between onboarding/basics and the workflows going into a lot of depth. As in your YouTube videos - honest delivery, it shows you care about the product and use Logseq yourself every day!"

"The content of your course is extremely valuable to me. Very comprehensively prepared and well explained. For what you get the course is way too cheap, in my opinion."

Extracts from user testimonials. You can read the full testimonials here.

"Dario‘s course is the missing piece of the puzzle, removing all the barriers that handling or integrating Logseq might hold. This well-structured and inspiring collection of well-crafted and concise episodes help you master and forget the tool in order to focus all energy on seamless idea emergence."

Mat Rhein, PhD

Scientist, counselor, believer, singer, productivity nerd | Alcelsa- Hannover counseling

"[the] well designed, excellently structured explanations have squashed my learning curve. The course has taken me from the ‘learning how this Logseq thing works without getting angry zone’, and moved me swiftly on to the ‘wow this is so useful zone’."

Leigh Schaller

Creative | Self employed

"Dario was able to distill his expertise in working with personal and work data in an uncommon way. He presents the use of Logseq in a clear way, adding a meta understanding of how we can use it to better our thinking process and our life, and I've really enjoyed his way of teaching. This course has changed my life in better and I hope it will change yours too."

Marco Porcellato

Accelerated Innovation Marketing Expert | Alchidea.com - Founder

Logseq has been a revelation for me... But how to get the full benefit of a powerful tool like Logseq? Enter Dario's fantastic course. The course was accessible, concise, well-organised and left me feeling empowered to use Logseq as my personal knowledge store and for my creative projects. I would highly recommend the course for anyone getting started with Logseq.

JJ van de Vyver

Consultant | Visual Meaning

Many thanks for your videos and the Logseq Mastery course. I use Logseq for roughly five weeks now and your videos helped me a lot to get a basic understanding of Logseq and find my way through. Thank you for sharing your private workflow - it helps a lot to steer my own thoughts into an interesting direction.

Dirk Deimeke

Linux Penguin and Container Pusher, Community addict

This course took me from Logseq noob to joyful learning/output machine. Really enjoyed Logseq Mastery - Dario put a ton of time and effort into making it a great experience (both fun and incredibly informative). Anyone looking to do meaningful work and learning in Logseq should check this course out.

Sean. S

Educator | Public education

Dario's courses are fantastic and valuable; they shine over what is available!

Paul Anwandter


"... an awesome resource for those who want to streamline their learning curve of just how much Logseq can do for them, and then being able to implement what they've learned to create the workflow that works best for them. Thank you, Dario!!!



While I was retiring from Notion but just can't get my hands around Obsidian, discovering Dario's Youtube channel ("OneStutteringMind") made my transition to Logseq a no-brainer. This workflow change is a highlight of my work from last year! Thanks, Dario. Enjoyed your Logseq Mastery course too!

Maggie Xiao

Content creator

Some love from Twitter:

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What is the format of the course?

Logseq Mastery is an asynchronous, self-paced course. All of the content is available after purchasing, and you can complete the course in your own time. There is a range of resources available to you, with the primary medium of instruction being video. There is also a substantial amount of supporting text and diagrams in the course materials.

How long is the course available for after purchase?

The course includes lifetime access. You only have to pay once, and you'll get full access to future updates without paying anything more.

If I buy only one part of the course now, will I have to pay full price for the other part later?

Yes, you will have to pay full full price for the other part later. You will only be able to access the bundle discount on your first purchase.

Is the course available in other languages, or are there subtitles?

The course is unfortunately only available in English.

Do you offer any discounts or parity pricing?

I'm currently investigating adding parity pricing. If you are interested, please fill in your details here.

Do you offer refunds?

I handle refunds on a case by case basis. I am hesitant to offer a 'no questions asked' refund policy as a marketing incentive, and would prefer that you consider the purchase carefully.

If you are in the habit of changing your tools regularly, and are considering using Logseq Mastery in the process of deciding if you want to use Logseq long-term, then I humbly request that you do not purchase this course.

Unfortunately I am unable to offer refunds after 30 days after purchase due to complexities with my payments service providers.

Have more questions? Send me an email at dario 'at' combiningminds 'dot' org.